Terms of Service

Our Financier is a website specialized in the creation of content related to financial education, with charges, types of investments, among others) offered by national and international financial institutions.

By using this Site, you agree to the General Terms and Conditions of Use described in this document.


Our Financier DOES NOT INTERFERE in any process that involves the analysis and/or approval of the credit of our clients or partners, so the final decision to conduct business, grant credit or offer is always theirs, according to their own credit and risk criteria and policies.

Our Financier DOES NOT SEND, NOR REQUEST, under any circumstances, money for the release of any type of financial product, whether credit card, financing or loan. If this happens, please inform us immediately using the contact information provided in this document.

Our Financier does not send emails to Users requesting data confirmation or registration with executable attachments (for example: .exe, .com, .scr, .zip, .rar extensions), or links for downloading. If this happens, please inform us immediately using the contact information provided in this document.

Our Financial DOES NOT OFFER any type of financial, legal or accounting consulting or advisory services. The information available on the Site is for informational purposes only and must be used by the user under his or her own responsibility. Such information should not be construed as investment, financial, legal or accounting planning advice.

Our Financier cannot guarantee the complete accuracy, quality and integrity of the information contained in its articles and cannot be held responsible for the decisions made by the user based on the articles and information on the Site. We cannot guarantee that the information contained on the Site is equally applicable to the individual realities of each User. The User declares himself responsible and aware that he must verify the information presented on the Site whenever he intends to use it for any application.


The User, by accessing Our Financier, ACCEPTS to respect the General Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy of Our Financier

By accessing and/or using Our Financier, the User declares to be at least 18 (eighteen) years old and to fully and expressly accept the terms and conditions of these Terms and Conditions of Use for all legal purposes.

If the User does not fit the above description and/or does not agree, even in part, with the terms and conditions contained in these Terms and Conditions of Use, he/she will not be able to access and/or use the services offered by Our Financier, as well as the websites and services operated by it.


The User has this service to answer all their questions, solve any problems and present complaints or other information about products / services available at Our Financier

Contact can be made through the form at https://en.nuestrofinanciero.com/contact/


Our Financier provides links and/or redirects the User to other websites, where the User can contract the services and/or acquire products from the respective companies, without any interference on the part of Our Financier.

If the User is redirected to the website page of the company advertised on the website, the User must carefully read and expressly accept the terms and conditions of use and the privacy policy of the advertised company.

Our Financier is not responsible for: (a) the terms of use and privacy policy of the advertised companies; (b) the information on the advertised services and/or products; (c) the services and/or products that may be offered and/or contracted with the advertised companies.

Our Financier is not responsible for any virus, malware, spyware, trojan or any software that may damage or change the configuration of the Users' equipment as a result of browsing or using the Internet or as a result of the transfer of data, texts, images, files or audios. It is the User's responsibility to use the Internet carefully to prevent such malicious software from infecting their computer, such as keeping their computer's operating system up to date and using antivirus programs.

Our Financier is not responsible for any losses or damages arising from irregular use of the Our Financier website and/or unforeseen events and/or force majeure.

Without prejudice to the other provisions of these Terms of Use, the User is obliged to:

(a) Not violate any third party rights when using Our Financier;

(b) Not to use Our Financiero for the purpose of monitoring or harassing third parties;

(c) Not to engage in fraudulent, illegal, dishonest or inappropriate activities while using the Our Financier website; and

(d) Comply with the conditions established in these General Conditions of Use and in the Privacy Policy, as well as current Spanish legislation;


The use of the Our Financier website may result in the transfer of the user's personal data to Our Financier. By using our website, you declare that you are aware of our Privacy Policy, accessible at https://en.nuestrofinanciero.com/privacy-policy/ , as well as the current legislation.


Our Financier holds the intellectual property rights for all material on the Our Financier website. User may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, rent, sublease, translate or distribute materials and content from the website, or create derivatives of the content to compose other websites or educational, training or reference materials.

The User may not use iFrames to include the content of this Site in other places. However, Our Financier allows and encourages the exchange of links to the content of the Site.

The User's use of the Site and the information contained therein is restricted to personal and non-commercial purposes.


We cannot guarantee that access to or use of the Site will be uninterrupted or error-free, and Our Financier will not be liable if any portion of the Site is unavailable.

The Site, its content and functions may be modified or discontinued at any time by Our Financier, without justification or prior notice.

Our Financier is not responsible if the User's system, equipment or Internet connection is insufficient for the use of the Site.


Although we seek to partner only with high-quality companies, Our Financier is not responsible for the products and services provided by companies that advertise on our Site, or that we recommend through our content. Therefore, Our Financier is not involved in, nor responsible for, any commercial engagement, exchange of personal data, or any other form of interaction between the User and companies whose brand appears on our Site, whether in advertising or mentioned in our content.


Our Financier's General Terms and Conditions of Use may be modified, supplemented or replaced at any time. When we do so, the updated version will be available on this page, along with the date of the last revision.

We encourage the User to stay up to date on our terms through the address: en.nuestrofinanciero.com.

If there are any significant changes to these General Terms and Conditions of Use, Our Financier may notify the User, provided that we have your contact information in our databases.


These General Terms and Conditions of Use will be valid for an indefinite period of time and any legal or administrative claim arising from the use of Our Financier subject to these General Terms of Use or the Privacy Policy must be proposed within 90 (ninety) days following the event that caused them.