With so many different types of credit cards, choosing which one suits your lifestyle the most can be very difficult. Choosing a credit card means you need to relate it to your lifestyle to get the most out of using it. If you're fond of traveling and a regular Hilton customer, you should look at the Hilton Honors American Express Card.
One good example is the Hilton Honors American Express Surpass Card. The Hilton Honors American Express Surpass Card lets you earn reward points that you can use on your next Hilton visit. There's even more to what the card offers, especially if you're using the card for your day-to-day purchases.
Find out more about the Hilton Honors American Express Surpass Card and why you should consider the card when booking Hilton hotels.
Key Highlights of the Hilton Honors American Express Surpass Card
What's great about the Hilton Honors American Express Card is that you can easily turn your rewards into free hotel nights thanks to its surprisingly easy rewards program.
There's more to the card than just using it for hotel bookings. Check out what's in store with the Hilton Honors American Express Card below.
Generous Welcome Offer
The first thing you will notice when you sign up for the Hilton Honors American Express Card is its generous welcome offer. It is also one of the easiest welcome offers to unlock.
You only need to spend $3,000 on purchases using the card for the first 6 months of opening your account.
You will then receive 165,000 Hilton Honors Bonus Points. Take note that this offer ends on the first of August 2025.
Maximizing Your Rewards with the Hilton Honors American Express Surpass Card
Using the Hilton Honors American Express Surpass Card for hotel bookings is the best way to earn points to add to your welcome offer.
You can get as much as 12x points for every dollar you spend using the card. Even if you're not planning on using the card for hotel stays with Hilton, you can still earn as much as 6 points per dollar when you use it at US restaurants, gas stations, and supermarkets.
Earn another 4x points for online retail purchases and 3x per dollar for any other purchases and transactions made with the card.
Redeem Your Points for Hotel Stays
Once you have enough points, you can redeem them for hotel stays. This includes over 7,000 hotels all over the world, which means that you have more vacation options.
Simply redeem the points and then book your hotel stay. You can also use the points for your next flight with over 20 airlines.
Apart from that, use your points for Hilton experiences such as exclusive events, dining, and tours, or use the points for event credits starting at 25,000 points for a $50 credit.
Upgrade to Gold Status
With the Hilton Honors American Express Surpass Card, you get the Hilton Honors Gold elite status, which gives you 80% more points on paid hotel stays and room upgrades.
After spending $40,000 on your card, it will be upgraded to the Diamond status. Cardholders also get a fifth free night when you use your reward points to book for five or more nights.
Other Benefits That You Can Take Advantage Of
The Hilton Honors American Express Surpass Card still has more to offer than just reward points and welcome offers.
You also get up to $200 worth of cashback in Hilton statement credits on eligible Hilton purchases.
Enjoy free two-day shipping with Shop Runner and even receive a Free Night Reward when you spend more than $15,000 within the year.
Interest Rates and Other Charges
With the Hilton Honors American Express Surpass Card, you'll pay a $150 annual fee. The interest rate for purchases is at a variable APR of 19.99% to 28.99%.
There is no foreign transaction fee, meaning you can use the card without worrying about extra fees when using the card in another country.
How to Get the Hilton Honors American Express Card
Many Hilton credit cards require you to log in to an account to check if you are pre-qualified for their offers.
Register an account first, log in, and proceed with the pre-qualification check. This will help you determine whether you are eligible for the card and which areas you need to work on before applying for the card.
Applying Online
The best and most convenient way to apply for the Hilton Honors American Express Card is to apply online. The official website offers the best source of information for the card.
Review all of the details first, and once you're convinced that the Hilton Honors American Express Card is well-suited for your needs, click on Apply Now to start the process.
Fill out the online application form, review the terms and conditions, and submit. You'll immediately know if you're approved for the card and will be notified once it is delivered to your address.
Contact Details
If you wish to contact their customer service department, you can contact them through the numbers - 1-800-297-7327.
They will ask you for several key pieces of information first as part of the verification process, and a representative will be able to assist you with your concerns or your application.
You can visit any nearby American Express branch or check out their main office at 200 Vesey Street, New York City.
When selecting a good credit card, you must also consider your lifestyle before deciding.
The Hilton Honors American Express Surpass Card lets you enjoy spending while earning rewards that you can use for your next holiday vacation at any Hilton hotel.
If you want to travel and get the most out of your vacation, the Hilton Honors American Express Surpass Card is the best credit card for the job.
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using credit. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.